Press service with high-quality content
We offer our customers an extensive press service.
We take care of effective press and detail work for publications and pay attention to the most important facts:
We keep it short
It is often recommended to write a press release of over 500 words. We rather recommend press releases of 250 – 350 words and prefer to concentrate on optimizing them.
We give your press release the right structure
A press release should have a specific structure. The important keywords are integrated in a crisp headline with a maximum of 100 characters. This is followed by a summary explaining what it is all about. All important W questions are now answered in the following text. We then introduce your company in a few sentences and finally name the contact person for the message. If the name of the company contains a keyword, it is advisable to use this.

Press releases
We structure your message
We work with thoughtful headings. This serves to make the message easier to read as well as from an SEO point of view.
We use link texts
We attach great importance to link texts and place well-considered links on your main and sub-pages. If you only link to your home page in a press release, you are not really making a mistake, but you are missing potential. With a PM you can finally refer to subpages of your offer, which are otherwise rather little considered with links.
We use pictures
We incorporate your company logo or desired image into your press release. This logo is often shown as a preview image. This increases recognition and makes a good impression.