YouTube advertising

YouTube advertising with Google AdWords

Google AdWords advertising on YouTube increases sales and branding

Be successful with YouTube advertising!

We all know advertising from television for decades. Advertising agencies have been trying for many years to increase the awareness of a brand and thus the turnover of small and large companies. However, for many years, advertising on YouTube has become more and more interesting for advertisers and the trend is increasing year by year. With nearly 40 million visitors only in Germany, the portal reaches a huge crowd and the growth of advertising videos is the most expanding channel for advertising messages.

YouTube ad formats

YouTube, similar to traditional Google AdWords campaigns, offers advertisers a wide range of advertising formats that can be freely selected according to their orientation. They ranged according to user experience, habits, the respective end devices and many other factors. Basically one can speak between 3 different types when defining the time of the advertising insertion.

  • Pre-roll advertising which is inserted before the actual video. (engl. Pre-Roll)
  • Mid-roll advertising that is displayed in the middle of the actual video.
  • Post-roll advertising that is displayed after the actual video.

You can choose between 6 different ad formats. We will go into these ad formats below:


YouTube Overlay in Video Ads

Overlay YouTube Ads are particularly suitable if you want to increase the awareness of a brand. If you place this type of ad, the ad is displayed in the form of banners, text or with images in a video. Since this type of advertising is relatively aggressive, users tend to perceive it as negative. However, it is very effective for visually capturing a brand message. When the banners, images or text are clicked on, users go directly to the website.

Info cards as YouTube advertisement

With the info cards, advertising messages are displayed as a call to action. These can also be sponsored by companies. In this case, further information texts appear in addition to the call to action, which are made completely visible by clicking on them. The information can be specially adapted to the actual main video and can contain, for example, relevant product information about a product from the video. Since the texts that are displayed cannot be clicked away, this advertising format should be used with care to avoid creating a negative impression on the user.

Ads on YouTube cannot be clicked away

Another variant of the advertising formats on YouTube are not click-away advertising videos, which can be placed before the actual main video. They are between 15-20 seconds long and can contain both brand awareness and valuable product information. Due to the need to watch the ad, this form of ad placement is not very popular with users and should be used in an entertaining and well-dosed manner.

Universal App advertising campaigns on YouTube

When a developer has programmed a new app, he naturally wants to promote a high distribution of the new app. For this purpose there are universal app campaigns that are automatically broadcast on YouTube.

YouTube channels

Another important area is the constantly growing number of YouTube channels, which cover everything from factual topics to politics and music productions. The higher the number of subscribers, the more lucrative it is for the channel operator. They thus also form an important area for the insertion of advertising videos, as the interest group is much more narrowly defined among the channels.

YouTube display ads

Display ads on YouTube are the best known of the ads and are usually broadcast on desktop computers. However, they are also suitable for tablets and smartphones. Therefore, the ads can be adjusted according to the size of the screen. Due to their discreet fade-ins, they are highly appreciated by advertisers and users alike. Display ads are usually shown in the upper part of the screen, but in small displays they can also be shown below the actual video.

YouTube TrueView In Stream Video Advertising

TrueView In Stream Video Ads on YouTube have been one of the video formats that have steadily gained in popularity since 2010. For example, they are played before the actual video and can be skipped by the user after 5 seconds. If the advertiser manages to arouse the user’s interest in the first 5 seconds, then the users watch the video as voluntary. This has many positive side effects and increases both brand awareness and sales in the long term. The advertisements are specifically tailored to the respective target group and adapted to the respective format. It also contains a precisely defined call to action. We optimize the TrueView in stream ads in such a way that the subscribers of our customers’ channels are constantly increasing, thus creating further added value.

Bumper ads on YouTube

Bumper ads on YouTube are short video ads that are 6 seconds long. They are displayed during a longer video and have a wide acceptance among users, as they are over quickly and therefore hardly disturb. Due to the high reach, this ad format can be used for a quick distribution of a video message and can be combined with other ad formats.

The own brand channel on YouTube

If you really want to know on YouTube, you should pull the cable properly. The supreme discipline for professionals is their own brand channel. Here, a separate channel is created for a company, which provides important information with added value for users and customers. This information is combined with the latest trends from the respective industry and specifically supplemented with informative videos. In addition, it is possible to advertise your own brand channel in a targeted manner with advertisements and thus achieve extremely high brand awareness in the long term.

YouTube Influencer campaigns

Influencer campaigns are now just as much a part of YouTube campaigns as all other forms of advertising. Here, products are specifically marketed by well-known personalities, as well as by channel operators who have earned a certain amount of trust from the YouTube community through hard work. In doing so, companies rely on tests, which are broadcast in video format to the subscribers of the respective channel operator. In doing so, the companies rely above all on the trustworthiness of the YouTube star. Examples of well-known influencer campaigns come from the games industry, the cosmetics industry or the clothing industry.

What are the costs of Google YouTube ads?

The costs of Google AdWords advertising on YouTube are much lower than on other relevant advertising channels. Especially compared to TV advertising, YouTube has a great price and benefit advantage. The advertiser only pays if the user has actually seen the ad or clicked on the ad. This prevents wastage and other unnecessary costs. In addition, one can start with advertising on YouTube with a low daily budget and then increase it if successful. This prevents mistakes that automatically happen with a large initial budget. Thanks to the different ad formats, you also remain flexible enough to react quickly to certain situations. We adapt our prices to the specific needs of the customer.

What are the requirements for successful YouTube advertising?

If you want to run a successful YouTube advertising campaign, you should set the right course in advance. For our customers, we rely on a careful target group definition, which we define according to demographic characteristics and location-related aspects. Then, together with the client, we try to embed the respective corporate philosophy and product in a professional video so that the message reaches the end customer. We also try to achieve a personal level, even with low-cost productions, which is coupled with humour and expertise. If you are considering a YouTube advertising campaign, please give us a call. We are happy to help you!

Source:  YouTube


We increase the brand awareness and help you to achieve your company goals!

Advertisement optimization

We optimize your video ads and find the right ad format!

Target group definition

We define the right target groups according to demographic and geological aspects.

Brand channel

If you wish, we can create your own company channel to establish your brand!

Data Analysis

We regularly analyse your data and use it to optimise YouTube campaigns.


We create a robust strategy for your YouTube campaigns and refine it further and further!

YouTube success factors

For the creation of successful YouTube campaigns you need expertise that is constantly being expanded!

  • Brand building
  • High click rates
  • Sales
  • Contacts

We create YouTube display ads for you without large scatter loss!

All YouTube advertising formats in the overview

We offer you all services from one source.

YouTube display ads

We create YouTube display ads for you without large scatter loss!

YouTube Overlay in Video Ads

YouTube Overlay in Video Ads increase the awareness of your brand and the reach of the ad placement!

YouTube TrueView In Stream Video Ads

YouTube TrueView In Stream Video advertising is effective and user friendly.

Info cards as YouTube ad

Info cards as YouTube advertisements we can also implement for you.

Bumper ads on YouTube

Bumper ads on YouTube convey your brand or product message quickly and effectively.

Universal app advertising campaigns on YouTube

Universal app advertising campaigns on YouTube to market your app.

Let us start

Make an appointment and let us develop a campaign that is successful!


WSO International
Grevenbroicher road 45
50829 Cologne Germany
Phone: +49 221/29884152